Our Statement

The U.S war in Iraq and Syria will not help the people in the Middle East. It will not make us safer, nor will it bring peace to the region. This war, especially war from the air, will kill many innocents and create more terrorism and suffering. The United States is intervening in a civil war and only war profiteers will benefit.

Instead of wasting our resources and our young people in another futile war for oil and dominance, we need to invest here and around the world in transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy,  in transition from industrial agriculture to sustainable and ecological farming, in affordable sustainable housing and transportation, in education, and more. These investments would create full employment.

We know that a small group of super wealthy investors, banks and corporations control the world economy and our political system. They are not interested in making investments in peace and sustainability. Their control must be broken and we dedicate ourselves to that task. As we care for the earth, we will be saving ourselves and future generations from catastrophe while creating a better world.

If you agree with this statement, join us!

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